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Lionel Osse Essima

Network staff
Lionel is the assistant project manager for Anglophone West Africa and North Africa.


Lionel Osse Essima is a research analyst and a member of the CDD-Ghana’s Research team. Since he joined the Center in March 2018, he has accumulated a lot of experience in research projects, field research (qualitative and quantitative), and statistical data analysis. He supports the research team in training, recruitment, deployment, management and monitoring of field staff. He has interests in African development, African democracy and governance related matters especially, in the specific areas of transparency, accountability and institutionalism.

Lionel is also Afrobarometer assistant project manager for Anglophone West Africa & North Africa and Francophone countries. He works directly with Afrobarometer National Partners to provide technical and administrative support to them during surveys. Lionel is fluent in English and French and this bilingual capability has helped him to review the designing and the consistency in research questionnaires and reports from English to French and vice versa.

Lionel holds an MPhil in Political Sciences and a Bachelor of Arts in Political Sciences both obtained at the University of Ghana, Legon. He is also the holder of a certificate in statistical research & analysis obtained during the Afrobarometer Summer School at the University of Cape Town.


AD802: Les Guinéens se sentent libres de s’exprimer mais se méfient de ce qu’ils disent en politique
2 May 2024
Policy paper
PP91: La santé pour tous et partout ?
8 Apr 2024
Policy paper
PP91: Health for everyone, everywhere?
4 Apr 2024
AD766: Tolerance for social differences is high, but not universal, in the Gambia
12 Feb 2024
AD765: Les Marocains se disent satisfaits de la riposte du gouvernement contre la COVID-19
6 Feb 2024
AD722: Les Tunisiens sont divisés sur la discipline des enfants avec la force physique
30 Oct 2023
AD679: Les Gabonais soutiennent les élections mais doutent de leur crédibilité
1 Aug 2023
AD638: Les Marocains demandent plus d’efforts pour la promotion du bien-être des enfants
10 May 2023
AD591: Ghanaians applaud government’s response to COVID-19 but urge greater emergency preparedness
16 Jan 2023
AD590: Les Gabonais déplorent la hausse du niveau de corruption mais craignent des représailles en cas de dénonciation
13 Jan 2023
AD490: Les Marocains adhérent à la vaccination contre la COVID-19, mais sont insatisfaits de l’aide pour la pandémie
16 Nov 2021
AD490: Moroccans embrace COVID-19 vaccination but are dissatisfied with pandemic assistance
16 Nov 2021
AD461: Ghanaians are united and hospitable but intolerant toward same-sex relationships
1 Jul 2021
AD444: Les Gabonais expriment leur insatisfaction des besoins d’éducation
27 Apr 2021
AD437: Imposer le paiement des impôts- Une bonne partie des Burkinabè réticents, demandent l’équité
31 Mar 2021
AD391: Les Gabonais demandent plus de liberté d’expression, mais pas pour critiquer le président
15 Sep 2020
AD383: Les Gabonais revendiquent leur attachement à l’identité nationale mais sont méfiants vis-à-vis des autres
18 Aug 2020
AD368: La corruption en hausse selon les Guinéens, qui craignent des représailles s’ils en parlent
19 Jun 2020
AD347: Ghanaians cite high cost, bias, and long delays as barriers to using formal justice system
29 Feb 2020
AD333: Ghanaians perceive increase in corruption level, give government low marks on fighting graft
4 Dec 2019
Policy paper
PP60: Change ahead: Experience and awareness of climate change in Africa
19 Aug 2019