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Josephine Appiah-Nyamekye Sanny

Central management team
Josephine is Afrobarometer's acting director of communications.


Josephine Appiah-Nyamekye Sanny, Afrobarometer’s communications and knowledge manager, also doubles as acting director of communications.

She is a bilingual communications practitioner credited with cutting-edge communication strategies across Africa. Her expertise includes strategic communications, data analysis and visualisation, stakeholder engagement, government relations, media relations, digital public relations, and issues and crisis management.

She previously served as Afrobarometer knowledge translation manager, and communications coordinator for Anglophone West and North Africa, and has  played a key role in the creation of compelling strategies and audiovisual content to boost the Network’s visibility. She has authored research publications on several themes including youth, migration, media freedom, violent extremism and public service delivery.

Josephine holds a master’s degree in communications studies from the University of Ghana. She is an accredited member of the Institute of Public Relations, Ghana (IPR-Ghana) and a member of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations, UK (CIPR-UK). She was adjudged the Public Relations Discovery of the Year 2020 by IPR-Ghana and has been named one of the Top 10 Women in PR Ghana for three consecutive years.

Areas of interest



AD807: En Afrique, l’expérience croissante de la pauvreté s’accompagne d’une vision morose de la situation économique
27 May 2024
AD807: Africans’ bleak views of economic conditions match their escalating experience of poverty
27 May 2024
AD734: Africa’s youth: More educated, less employed, still unheard in policy and development
15 Nov 2023
AD734: Jeunesse d’Afrique : Plus instruite, moins embauchée, toujours absente dans les débats politiques et de développement
15 Nov 2023
AD702: Moroccans endorse women’s political participation but not equal access to jobs, land
21 Sep 2023
AD512: As percepções são más, a realidade é pior: Cidadãos relatam predação pela polícia africana
18 Mar 2022
AD574: Les Africains perçoivent une répartition injuste de l’aide d’urgence COVID-19 et une perte de ressources à cause de la corruption
17 Nov 2022
AD574: Africans see unfair distribution of COVID-19 relief assistance, loss of resources to corruption
17 Nov 2022
External publication
Africans’ durable demand for democracy
1 Jul 2021
External publication
Africans are concerned about ills of social media but oppose government restrictions
1 Jun 2020
External publication
‘Updata-ing’ the narrative about African migration
1 May 2020
External publication
US foreign policy toward Africa: An African citizen perspective
23 Oct 2020
External publication
Who gets involved? Insights on civic engagement in Africa and implications for fostering volunteerism
1 Jan 2021
AD553: Africans are split on COVID-19 vaccination, don’t trust government to ensure vaccine safety
21 Sep 2022
AD553: Les Africains sont très divergents quant au vaccin COVID-19 et ne croient pas que leur gouvernement puisse en garantir l’innocuité
21 Sep 2022
AD512 : Si les perceptions sont mauvaises, la réalité est pire : Les citoyens signalent une prédation répandue de la part des policiers africains
18 Mar 2022
AD512: Perceptions are bad, reality is worse: Citizens report widespread predation by African police
18 Mar 2022
AD492: Au-delà les frontières : Les Africains pour un développement auto-déterminé mais sceptiques quant au libre-échange
23 Nov 2021
AD492: Beyond borders? Africans prefer self-reliant development but remain skeptical of free trade and open borders
23 Nov 2021
AD489: Les Africains apprécient l’influence de la Chine mais conservent leurs aspirations démocratiques
15 Nov 2021
AD489: Africans welcome China’s influence but maintain democratic aspirations
15 Nov 2021
AD480: Ugandans see social media as beneficial and want unrestricted access, but are wary of its use to spread fake news
24 Sep 2021
AD454: Liberians are unhappy about economic conditions, but wary of public protests
25 May 2021
AD433: Beyond borders? Africans prefer self-reliant development but remain skeptical of free trade and open borders
22 Mar 2021
Policy paper
PP72: Who gets involved? Insights on civic engagement in Africa and implications for fostering volunteerism
11 Mar 2021
AD424: Most Sierra Leoneans approve of measures against sexual violence, want more to be done
8 Feb 2021
AD420: Liberians laud government’s COVID-19 response but claim unfair distribution of relief assistance
21 Jan 2021
AD407: Africans regard China’s influence as significant and positive, but slipping
17 Nov 2020
AD403: Citizens’ negative perceptions of police extend well beyond Nigeria’s #EndSARS
6 Nov 2020
AD400: Most Ghanaians support gender fairness in political leadership, but women trail men in participation, digital access, asset ownership
21 Oct 2020
AD382: International Youth Day – Unemployment and education are Ghanaian youth’s most important problems
12 Aug 2020
AD366: Ghanaians see pros, cons of social media, want access but not fake news
8 Jun 2020
AD355: Trusted and influential: Religious and traditional leaders can be assets in COVID-19 fight
20 Apr 2020
AD351: Ghanaians’ acceptance of security-related restrictions faces test with COVID-19 lockdown
30 Mar 2020
AD346: Sierra Leoneans say health care hard to access, beset by corruption – especially for the poor
28 Feb 2020
AD345: Fear of political violence soars in Sierra Leone
24 Feb 2020
AD332: Ghanaians voice dissatisfaction with living conditions, government economic performance
29 Nov 2019
AD331: Despite recent banking shake-up, Ghanaians still see banks as their safest option
27 Nov 2019
Policy paper
PP56: Presse sous pression. Le soutien à la liberté des médias recule en Afrique
1 May 2019
Policy paper
PP56: How free is too free? Across Africa, media freedom is on the defensive
1 May 2019
AD288: A la recherche d’opportunités: En Afrique, les jeunes et les instruits sont plus susceptibles de penser à émigrer
26 Mar 2019
AD288: In search of opportunity: Young and educated Africans most likely to consider moving abroad
26 Mar 2019
AD285: يعد البخث عن فرض الشغلمحفزا رئيسيا للهجرةالداخليةوالخارجية
15 Mar 2019
AD285: L’emploi pèse lourd dans les attitudes relatives à l’immigration/émigration au Maroc
15 Mar 2019
AD285: Jobs loom large in Moroccans’ attitudes toward in- and out-migration
15 Mar 2019
AD250: Ghanaians rely on radio and TV, but support for media freedom drops sharply
6 Nov 2018
AD207: Nigerians optimistic about economic outlook despite persistent poverty, inadequate services
18 May 2018
AD199: Nigerians worried about violent clashes, praise government efforts to address armed extremism
18 Apr 2018
AD187: In Nigeria, perceived corruption remains high despite praise for president’s anti-graft fight
8 Feb 2018
AD186: Ghanaians denounce mob ‘justice’ and political-party vigilantism, endorse rule of law instead
7 Feb 2018